Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Please Find Me

Dear... Please Find Me


It’s been almost two years since my partner of 13 years died, and I still feel my heart breaking. Since we were not married, his sisters threw me out of the house we have been living in for more than a decade. I had to move back in with my parents. Work like crazy both at the office and at home, since I am technically a "visitor".

Everything that is familiar is gone. I cry a lot without anyone seeing. Am I depressed, maybe. My heart hurts. Doctors assured me there is nothing wrong with me. I guess, it is my soul that is broken. I am constantly sad and looking out in the horizon. This cannot be the end for me. I refuse to believe I will die alone. I am yearning for something and someone I do not know. I have dreams of laughing and being happy with someone whose face I cannot see. I want to smile again and mean it.

I am lost. I do not belong anywhere. If someone out there is meant for me, please come find me.

From... waiting