Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

People With A Lower IQ Than Me / People Who Are Not As Smart As Me

Dear... People With A Lower IQ Than Me / People Who Are Not As Smart As Me


Please try to listen to me when I say something.

I can calculate and foresee things that you guys can't, and when you tell me I'm wrong, I then take the fall for it later because I try to listen to you even though I have this itching feeling that I'm right.

I'm trying to say it in a way without being angry, but you guys are so incapable sometimes. And that's not wrong, that's okay, I have my own capabilities too because I am so smart. There are parts of my brain that don't work like your guys's do.

All I'm asking is that we can work together instead of always thinking that you guys are right because there are more of you.

When I need your assistance, I will ask. But you guys keep acting like you don't need me.

I hate this because I also happen to have a large amount of PTSD. And I can't tell if it is my PTSD that thinks the world is over, or if I'm really seeing that there is something very wrong with the way we are proceeding.

In any case, I have met kind people from your establishment who have worked through these problems with me. If I say, "What if the form gets rejected because of ABC?" I was met with a clear answer: "We have a clause XYZ that prevents that. So you don't need to worry."

But when you guys misunderstand me, all you do is stare at your screen and say, "The system says that it has already been accepted." But here I am asking: "After I submit a correction, will the system reset?"

And you say, "The system has already accepted it."

But you do not understand my prompt. I am thinking about everything, and all you are thinking about is what it says on your screen.

I understand that most people follow convention, and they just do as you say.

So when you come across somebody who just doesn't operate the way you do, you are confused on how to proceed.

I have been told many times, "Nobody has ever done that before, let us see if that is possible."

I am sorry that I do so many things unconventionally. It comes naturally to me, I am not trying to break your system. All I ask is that you cooperate with me, work with me, and answer my questions.

In a way, I am impaired. I am incapable of seeing your way or following it your way.

But I cannot help the feeling that it is because I am more intelligent. I just dislike how you guys act like you know everything because you have the authority to, but you should be helping out the people who are asking you for help, and if they do outsmart you, put your ego down and listen to them!

My future is on the line here. I've noticed that more caring people, smart or not, have helped me in the past, but you will not.

Yes, part of me is bragging that I'm so smart. But most of me is just asking for people to be kinder to those who are different.

Please, let us work together.

From... A frustrated smart person