Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Someone Who Has Now Become 'Me'

Dear... Someone Who Has Now Become ‘Me’


Remember that walk we had where I was obsessing over that one song which is about the desire to be with the love of your life in a city that is empty? I always loved the idea of experiencing the city without the chaos. I asked you to imagine us walking, dancing, kissing and singing in the streets and the roads which are empty. We tried to think of the beauty of historical sites and the trees around the city minus the people.
Well, to be really honest, this is not what I meant. This whole apocalyptic dance that we are forced to witness all around the world, while it does replicate my ideas of love and happiness, it is no where close to that in any way.
Because we can't even get out in those empty streets and meet each other at our usual crossroads to share a kiss.
If only I asked you to stay. If only I knew that it was the last time I was going to see you.
I wouldn't have let you go.

And now, I know this won't reach you. But there is one thing that I still want to be hopeful about so that I can breath until I am supposed to, with lesser pain.
If there is any 'other side', I want to tell you that I WILL SEE YOU THERE. I will come running down all the streets, empty or not, and I will run until my last breath just to find you in one of those many roads. I will do that. And I will find you and kiss you for as long as I can. I don't care what happens to me or to us after that.
I am going to survive everything for that one moment so that I can finally die in it.

So please. Please. Don't Let Go!

From... Someone Who Has Now Become 'You'