Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Doug


I miss you so much. Sometimes I even forget how you made me feel, that’s how much I miss you. Or, maybe what I miss is how you made me feel.

But I don’t intend to write a poetic letter, I just want to be honest. I miss you and I really think about you every day. I wonder where you are living and if you’re in love and if you still punch holes in walls. I hope you don’t.

I miss how held I felt, and how I felt holding you.

I keep telling myself that after two years surely you’ve matured and grown into a person I can love again. Maybe now your art is less bloody, and maybe now you don’t need those box cutters.

It doesn’t make sense how much I miss you for all the crying I did!

And this letter is becoming so trite I’ve reduced myself so much.

I miss you and I love you and my life is on stand by until you come back to me.

From… I called you honey once