Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

The Boy I Wish I Didn't Like

Dear... The Boy I Wish I Didn’t Like


I had always thought I was straight.
For my entire life, I only thought I liked girls.
Recently, I've been questioning a lot about my sexual identity, knowing I would be accepted by my friends and family. I had something truly special that many others in my position didn't ever have.
But, obviously, you know this, because I came out to all my friends a couple days ago.

We'd been friends since towards the beginning of the school year, and I hadn't really realized that I liked you until about a month ago. I had never even considered the possibility of me liking a boy. But then you came along. I'd never had anyone give me the effect that you gave me, except for a couple girls, but nothing quite like you. You sometimes made me all giggly, getting way too excited about being around you. To be honest, I'm really embarrassed about the effect you have on me. Like really embarrassed. But I've known for a while, and I figured you should know.

The only other person who knows is one of our other friends. You probably know who it is. But I just think you're almost unfairly funny and cute, and I've recently been able to accept that I really do like you.

The worst part is, I know that you don't like me back. I mean, maybe you do? I obviously hope so, and you are usually pretty shy and reserved, so I only childishly hope there's something you're not telling me. But deep down, I pretty much know that there isn't.

So, here I am, writing this letter, because I was too shy and embarrassed to tell you in person. You're the first boy I've ever liked, so I guess there's something you can be proud of. I was and still am afraid that this would ruin our friendship. I'm really happy that we have what we have, and I really don't want this to ruin it. So thanks for everything you are to me, what you know about, as well as the amount that you don't. I like you unlike I like any other boy, and hope that you'e okay with that.

From… One of your best friends (I hope)