Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

"Lost Soul"

Dear... “Lost Soul”


Hello! I am well, thank you for asking. My name is MD, and it's 4:43pm where I'm from.

I just recently graduated from high school and procrastination is definitely something I succumb to more often than not. I appreciate you telling me about yourself, although I am pretty much the exact opposite of everything you described, which is kind of funny. I graduated with mostly B's, I was always the artsy kid who was never really interested in sports, not that you can only have one or the other.

I'm sorry to hear that you aren't being fulfilled by the people in your life, but that is one thing we have in common. I’ve always kept my circle small for the simple reason of never really having any good friends. But I want you to know something.
You mentioned that you have to be the "golden child" and that you are always working, but that's no life to live! I don't know you personally, but just by reading what you wrote I can tell that you deserve a lot more than you settle for. Don't stress about being perfect, because no one is! I know life can be tough, people can be tough, circumstances can be tough etc. But you are so much more than your struggles, and I hope you can learn to appreciate that one day.

Though reading your story was just a glimpse into your life, I thank you for writing nonetheless. And I hope that you receive all of the amazing things that this world has to offer. And remember; everything is a season! You might be struggling now, but be patient. Life always has something good to offer if you're willing to accept the wait!

From... the person