Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Jess


It hurts seeing you like this, getting hurt by people you care about, getting confused because of the lack of communication. You don’t deserve to be treated this way and I wish I could help out more but I’m useless. I’m sorry you’ve lost hope on finding the right one, I’m sorry that people are disappointing you. I’ll try my best to be there for you and not disappoint, you’re friendship means so much to me even though sometimes I get hurt by the things you say, but I’ve learned that this is your way of dealing with people. Sometimes I just think I’m too much of a softie to understand that you say certain things as a joke. You know, sometimes I think of how it would be to meet in person, it’d be so awkward honestly, and that makes me laugh but even so, it’d be kinda fun. I hope everything turns out to be okay and you’re happy in the end.

From... your online friend