Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Ex Best Friend

Dear... Ex Best Friend



I know we haven’t talked in a long time, but I still miss you so much.

You broke my heart when you started suddenly acting weird, and then I asked you, “What’s up?” and you kept ignoring me. Finally you said “I’m not gonna BS you, I don’t want to be friends anymore.”

You broke me. and I still haven’t been able to let go of our friendship. I still have our friendship charm on my lanyard because the thought of taking it off means you’re actually gone, and I can’t bring myself to accept that.

My heart still aches from our memories and good times together. I miss sleepovers, especially with weird talks at 3am about ceilings. Or staying up all night before state finals. Or how we used to always date the worst people, and be there for each other when things went bad. Or how we were the two females on drumline and we thought we could conquer the world. All these different things became so precious to me.

When you ended our friendship, I not only lost you, but I lost a piece of myself. I keep coming across pictures of you. and it hurts because I know things will never be the same between us again.

You really mean a lot to me and I’m sorry if I ever took that for granted. I know you won’t ever see this, but just know that I am crying while writing this because I really miss you.

I’m sorry.

From...  the person who always cared about you but was bad at showing it