Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Rejwana


It’s interestingly beautiful to think and write your own thoughts on this platform knowing that it will never reach you. Unknowingly expressing all my feeling for someone who does not love me anymore, the way she used to before it all turned out completely the opposite, in a way I never ever thought could happen in this life. Maybe that is how it was destined to be, maybe not.

Whatever happens in the end, I know one thing for sure… that, I have already felt what I will ever feel in my life in the future. You - You - Yes, You were the smile which brought happiness in my rigid life. I never knew how to sense the breeze to feel cozy and loved, I never really dreamt earlier in my life until I met you and your eyes, smiles, words, thoughts compelled me to dream over and over again.

I am sitting at the balcony of the roof staring now to look at that "বেয়াদপ" , which once was only a cosmological material floating in the air until you smiled and carried us together over the fluffy shades of white clouds and introduced me saying - see! She is looking at us! I smiled, later felt silly and before sleeping that night came out from my room again to recall what you said, how you said so!

I am so into you, your words, your dreams, your breath, I literally screamed aloud to ask for your hand, I wish YOU could see that!

I really wish! I do! I wish you could see that! Can I sit beside you just once more? I won't talk, won't bother you at all, just sit all the night long, till the dawn dispels the dark shades of my soul.

Date: 26.10.2020

From... Someone you named "কচ্ছপ"