Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... World


Hi, I am a part of you world.

A broken part though, at least that is what I am told. I don't know if this will be read by anyone, I just want this to be read.

I was 9 years old when someone asked my grandmother why she is so ugly, since her parents aren't like that. You think people get over such stuff. Let me tell you, they don't.

I was 14 when a guy said I couldn't be his girlfriend because I was not pretty. You think you get over breakups, but you do not get over something like that. When you tell a 14 year old she's not good enough, it sticks through her life. The little girl is left with no self confidence, no self-esteem. The only thing that comes in her mind while crossing a crowd is that they think she's not good enough too. And she will not believe anyone who tells her otherwise. This is what I've learnt.

I always ignored what people had to say, thought my good heart was the only thing that mattered. But it made me bitter towards people. As I grew up I realized the harmless comments thrown at me defined the person I am today. Defined why it was difficult for me to open up to people. People who know me, know me as helpful, careless, I would laugh at every stupid thing. I go out of my way to help people because I thought I was not good enough.

I am 22 now and I have this anger towards everyone who passed comments. Being a woman is shitty, talk about women empowerment all you want, but each one of us has brought a woman down at some point in life. We just don't realize it because you feel it's harmless and not a big deal. Let me tell you, when those harmless comments don't stop, it does a great deal of harm they do not realize.

I do not think I am ugly now, but not perfect either. Everyday, at least three times a day I am told how pretty I am, do you fucking think I care? I do not, because when a 14 year old is told she isn't pretty, it sticks. I may be pretty and have a great smile, but you do not deserve it. The same guy who told me I wasn't pretty and couldn't be his girlfriend, now thinks I am pretty and wants to be more than friends. Well, FUCK YOU.

I was harmlessly made fun of by my own friends. It sucks to be that person.
This is an open letter to everyone who made someone feel not good enough, you need to back the fuck off. You have no fucking idea the trauma one harmless comment can bring into their life. They are a part of the world as much as you. Maybe even a better part.


I am 22 now, strong enough to pen this down, but not strong enough to go out in public.

From... An angered young woman