Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Someone I Wish I Could Be Friends With

Dear... Someone I Wish I Could Be Friends With


I wish we would have spend more time together and known each other more.

I miss doing sarcasm with you and fighting with you and joking with you.

You're one of a hell serious person to me but inside deep down I know you're pure and a soft and hearted person with many secrets hidden.

I miss you so much.

I am sorry I couldn't save you and could not initiate a friendship with you. I wish I could but I think this is it.

I know we are only friends but I had an attachment with you within no time and started vibing you from the start and thats how it started within no time I swear… Come on… I guess this was supposed to happen... But I love you loads and YOU'RE A NICE PERSON.

From… A